welcome everybody Today I will show you step by step how to build a complete professional website for free by using Google free blogger 

We create a complete professional site along with Menu, Ads, Featured Posts and everything, and monetize with commission banners and affiliate banners ,Now we create this all features website in  just 15 minutes so don’t waste your time So let’s get started  


Download Now


 one go and serch in Google and login with your gmail account  to create website it very easy step

Next You will sew blogger dashboard here and click on New Blog,Now Give it a name and address that must be unique, press “Done” and we’ve created the blog 

Example i chose my Blog name  “Make Money online”If we go now here and click on View Blog You will see your  site over luck




What will you do next , first step go to themes and  install the theme,Of course I won’t use default themes here on blogger but I do not like i will use coustom theme So click on that arrow here and hit restore then download

You will need to select a theme Where do you get a feature? Just go to the link in Top 11 Free Blogger Templates for Any Specialty it is all templates are very premium and seo friendly Template and chose any one of them 


If you go down here you will see a lot of completely free templates that you can download for free download any one template , Next you do Just upload the xml document

Now if we open again here the blog and update or update the site You will see the new template has been installed excellentIt’s empty and good

change this logo :- 

We want to add our own logo So I always prefer to upload the image Then save the image to your desktop and then Go here to properties for size

Go to the details and you will see that it is logo size( example 176 x 50 pixels)What we can do is go here to Go here to create a custom design For free Custom size, 176×50, create a new design And you will have this editor here You can add anything you want Go here to the text Add a title

Just resize it and then you can download it as a transparent image and we got the logo Now  change the logo Simply go here formatting Then we will have a logo provided Modification 


 You can see that here is the default template logo, scroll down here Click Download the image from your computer, then choose the file Let’s go here for download After downloading choose “Instead of title and description” and press save The logo will automatically changed

You can now see the logo on your website So we created the blog or website and changed the logo We successful create a website and let we discuss others process steps like creating Post and adding pages so please stay connected with us

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