If you’re looking to take your video projects to the next level, then you’ll want to consider using Attitude dialogue video editing in AlightMotion. AlightMotion is mobile editing software and also this is free application

 With this powerful software, you can easily create high-quality videos that capture the essence of your message. Plus, it’s easy to use, so you’ll be able to create stunning videos in no time.in this application you can easily edit your video below 5 minutes 



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 In this article i create whatsup status video with power full dialogue power full people came from power full places this dialogue is most famous dialogue in kgf movie so today we create a video using this dialogue.  

 This song beat preset file i am already created beat mark for song 

 Song beat createing is very critical so i will provide this preset file for free download song beat preset file and import this file in to AlightMotion application 

Next add your photos between red line s and adjust photos according to screen ratio


 Below in this article i will give you shake effect preset file pack this file pack i will give photos effects for video editing this shake effects is very usefull and very easy video editing just copy and paste only


 This above song beat preset file and shake effect preset file pack is supposed on letest version AlightMotion application ,If you don’t have AlightMotion application in your mobile please install application from Google Play Store  

 I am already created a video tutorial for this video editing related and i provide above of the article please check it once 

 Follow above video tutorial process steps by step and create your own video with your photos and also if you have any douts ask me in Instagram or in this article

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